Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Where's Your Catch All

Every home has it, That one almighty catch all area
Mine happens to be in my front room!!
It's just a small table, I won't Let it become A Room
Our catch all catches everything from dust to the daily news (Yes, We Are ones that still read the paper!). Magazines, Socks & believe it or not, Tons upon Tons of Sunglasses.
Sunglasses! All the same pairs, the most I have found up there was 12 pairs at One time!

All worn by the same person, my husband.
Everyday he comes home with a New Pair of the Exact same as the day before!
He's starting to get on my Nerves!

I even gave him his own little special sunglasses Drawer so he never has to search for a pair. Trying to make his day's a little easier. BTW If that drawer gets any fuller, You can bet your Ass I'll have an Ebay Auction up for that drawer.

A Week later

But then after clearing through his daily throw downs I discovered I am just as bad.
No matter how much I'd like to give him all the credit for the messes to be all his fault, I do have to take on my own portion (shush we just won't tell him).

I have pendulums, glass bell peppers (Of all things) A Monkey, Keys, stones, odds bits of paper that should have been filed months ago. I mean aren't these the kind of things that you'd find in a 5 year olds Pocket? Earrings, I have wore Once, set down and lost (so I thought). Oh and did I mention Dust?
Funny considering how Out here in Az dusting is literally a daily event but not one of my own.

I was told that if you live in Florida,, You aren't so much dusting as you are De-Sanding :)
I thought that was funny.
I thought that since I really do not have much to do today (Well I do, I'm just not doing it yet)
I'd take a picture of what's left of my catch all ~ My Stuff ~ And share it with you.

I realize that many people have rooms that are considered Catch Alls...
Me being a Minimalist  I just won't allow that to happen (it's a visual thing ~ If I see it, I feel crowded, get overwhelmed & just can Not sit down until the crowded feeling is gone)

Now where to set this at?


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