Thursday, October 17, 2013


First I'd like to say SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!
I'm Lazy & Loving this machine!

I'm CRAVING Chocolate!!!!
And then,,
After thinking about it,,,, I Want peanut butter in my chocolate!!

INSTANTLY And with all Cravings I can either GO DO IT
Or allow the craving to curb and let it pass.......
So if I am Truly Lazy,, I've convinced myself to let it pass.

But, I'm going to go ahead and share the recipe (BY THE CUP)
This literally only took 1 minute to mix,melt and serve

For the Coffee~
1 cup HOT Water (use the hot water tab on your water machine! )
Add instant coffee (used my keurig using my Unresuable kcup refilled)
1 T peanut butter (smooth)
1 T cocoa powder
1 1/2 T honey (If you Like sugar in your coffee Try Honey as a replacement)
Stir Stir Stir!
Everything will melt and blend together
Then Add a touch of Half and half
For a Smoother drink, Melt the peanut butter first then add other ingredients (half&half LAST)
Make more to FREEZE, (Refill those Half and half containers and Freeze!)
You can use this through out the year if you freeze several containers
And not have to go through this Process later (For us truly Lazy People who Like Instant craving satisfaction, Hey No Shame in Being Honest with Oneself!)
And Seriously You can Modify this to make it Skinny Low Fat and I Just saved Like Hundreds of Starbucks / Dunkin Donuts / Kcup Dollars For the Upcoming YEARS
NOW PASS THE COOLWHIP, Give me My Slippers & Blanket..... I'm CUDDLING!


For those of us who LIKE our Brands of Coffee and not so much the designer brands
Reusing the One time use kcups is a great idea!
Review of the machine

What you Need
Used Kcup
2 Pieces heavy duty foil

Shows what Kcups I am using & how the foil looks before
And after application

If you are like me 1.5 teaspoons work well
So basically you are just refilling the kcup throw out container and applying a foil top, nice and securely
Each un reuse able kcup can be RE Used for up to about 20 cups. Which is saving you a ton, not to mention you are only using spoonfuls of grounds instead of half cups & cups.

Stick on the cap and go!
Remember to remove the bottom of the machine
If you want a tall cup of YUMMY GOODNESS!

I do Love making tea with my machine, since I do not drink much tea compared to the full pot of coffee I sometimes Inhale.

The Keurig makes a hotter cup of coffee than regular machines (I'm Thrilled about that)
Learning the machine at first, I was like, WTH it takes just as long waiting for the machine to heat up and push the buttons as it does a regular coffee machine (even the 9.99 coffee pots)
But then after another try, I figured out that the machine really is not difficult or time consuming to use.
Just make sure you are ready to drink your cup when it is done because there is no topping it off as your cup cools.

I like my coffee Really Rich, so I add about 2 teaspoons
You can also flavor your coffee by using a blender to make your own creamers!
My Favorite are the seasonal flavors!
Banana Creamer ~> 1 Banana + half & half (sweeten if you want)
Pumpkin Creamer ~> 1 can of pumpkin + half & half (sweeten how you want, I use Unpasteurized raw honey So Much better for you than sugar)
Thanksgiving / Fall ~> Nutmeg and Cinnamon + half & half (sweeten if you want)

What ever you choose
Use your blender or food processor to puree to a smooth liquid consistency, Pour into re used Coffeemate creamer container, you know the ones with the cute lids!
Then always refrigerate!
You can make tons at once and throw the extra bottles in your freezer to thaw out through out the year.
Now you have fast 1 cup coffee (in your own brand) And Your own Creamer!
This machine is wonderful for the relaxing evening cup of coffee or the visitor that shows up.
So I love it, but it is a small luxury.

Name of the game, Save Money! Re use Containers! Be HEALTH Wise by using your own fruits, herbs instead of Sugars!


Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Yesterday October 15th, 2013
Yes, It was the strangest sensation!
Not Knowing who I was, where I belonged, My address!
I was A Nameless Person ( I think ) roaming Arizona

After a few hours, I found my Identity in a pair of jeans waiting for me to wash them.
I am NOW Allowed to Drive Again!



What a Great Product!
I have just listed One of my Special LOT BOXES of Old newspapers
Inserts range from 1940's events, Ads & Fashion to the Kennedy Era for 9.99 + shipping
You can find it and other of my Special Mystery Boxes at ~~>

Wait What? You want to see pictures on this page?
I've added Some!

Modge Podge This Old Magazine

Vintage Clippings from newspapers Modge Podge 

Old Newspaper falling apart craft ideas repurposed

Vintage Art Supplies Old Newpaper

Gas Ad from Old Newspaper

Shown Below is a newspaper framed and sold for $350
In an Auction as shown on This Site ~~>

I Added this image to show how a paper of historical events, ad's and such
Can Look when displayed
The Carriage house antiques
Picture is linked to their blogger page

Beautiful use of Old newpapers
Giving the touch of Antique style to their home
Click on photo to go see more

I am in the process of framing the picture below
I simply LOVE it

I found several of these Religious or Spiritual Reminders
In the Lot of newspapers!
I don't know how many there are in the boxes
OR If the boxes of newspapers contain any,
But I when I did go through the paper, I kept only 2 that I liked & will either
Hang or Gift out to family members
Remembering to be Thankful for Everything!
I'm thinking a Large Dark Wood carved Frame would be Perfect for this!

Did you know, back in the 1940's Companies and Store Owners
Would Pay for This type of message to be added to newspapers
With their store name at the bottom of course.

How beautiful is that Concept!
Modge Podge Ideas!
All pictures are linked to the Websites & Blogger sites I found them on
(For Credit to the Owners)

Picture Frames
Make your own or click on picture to buy from the site
I found the picture on
Now I have Several Wine Boxes
That I turn inside out and used for shipping purposes
I do think I am going to start using the images on the boxes as Actual Picture Framed Art
And then Modge Podge the frames myself
Until then
These are forsale on the site the picture is linked to

Chairs & Tables
Found @ NovelOptions
Click on picture or link above to purchase
What a great Idea and Gift to give to the Journalist In your life!
No this not a paid advertisement :)
But her use of modge podge and Home Decorating DIY Ideas
have turned out just perfect!
I'm not sure what she priced this piece at
But while you are there, you can ask her.

Tiles & Coasters
Found at

This is a wonderful Touch of history to the Shabby Chic Style Home
You can purchase a set from Novel Options on facebook
By clicking the link or the picture below
Just let her know you are interested in purchase!
Remember Liking facebook pages is always welcomed!
Don't forget to mention Kelley @ InnerflowConnections Sent You!


I do not know the creator of these vases
But they sure are pretty aren't they!
The picture is linked to the site I found them on of course
But I do not know if they are for sale
Whatever, You can still Make them Using Modge Podge and old newspapers
(You know, like in my Mystery Old Newspaper box)
Beautiful Idea!

Display Pieces
Nice design!
Love the use of Vintage aged Yellowing for the background!
Picture is linked to maker,
Click on the picture to learn more!

Boy Am I tired out now!
Just thinking of the work it took to write up this blog!
Take some time now to consider the ideas you can make out of Old Yellowed Falling apart Newspapers and give me a shout if this blog has sparked any ideas!


Monday, October 14, 2013

#HASHTAG #HEAVAGE #MyCollege Education and the Good laugh I'm ready to have

I shared this post on my facebook page.

Inside thought: #Heavage ? Really? Man #Cleavage? WTH! So much for my #College #education . #Justsayinghashtagdotcomlol
LOL LOL LOL #Grammar Is not the problem, the problem is the re-write of the #DSM , I'm afraid to even look at the newest diagnosis and what has been removed!

The New DSM 5 is now published and for sale for $199.00
Wondering if I should even bother in the investment due to the massive changes that are going to be hitting it ONCE AGAIN. This edition holds the newest mental disorders but not the erruption that is to come!
If you even think you are sane, YOU are WRONG!
SANITY Has no longer a place in today's language.
In Fact I do believe the Word sanity has exchanged places in the dictionary with it's polar of Insanity.

WTH This Heavage word MADE The NEWS?
Oh Good God!

If you have been watching the news (You MAY have become Stupider)
If you Know the words HEAVAGE (You MAY be the reason my insurance rates have gone WAY UP ~ I can not afford to use it someone should I suppose)

I'm kind of upset that my degree is now Void due to over half of the credits having to excel in business writing and communications. NOW that is a Laugh.

Seriously, Stay In Sane friends ~ CRAFT SOMETHING!

Idea Catcher Make A Purse out of Jeans

I've got your BOX!

Crafters & Sew-er's
I've got your box of jean material!

I've got 2 seperate boxes for you to choose from
Click on the pictures to read more, You will be taken to my Bonanza Online Store and given the option to buy your box.
As You can see the material is cut from Mens Used Jeans
The yard stick in the first picture gives you an idea on how long the material has been cut.

$10 for the box below

$15 for the box below

Here are some ideas for you 

Recycled Denim Scatter Rug

Picture is linked to
Love this site, they offer free sewing patterns along with more Denim Ideas!

Blue Jean Notebook Covers
Book Savers & Carry all Pockets
What a fun Idea, Well actually all these ideas are Fun!
Remember If you feel like taking on the challenge, I've got the BOX of materials for you to do it with!
Please remember to share and bookmark my blogger page so you won't forget.

Notebook Picture is linked to THE GREEN MacGYVER
found on Planet Forward


Everyone is looking on making their own DIY door wreaths!
Not only can you make Seasonal Wreaths but Our American Pride can show through
by using Blue jeans
Now this is one of the other reasons I decided NOT to cut the jeans into squares.
You can cut the fabric into longer lengths and create just about anything!

Picture is linked to CRAFTSNCOFFEE.COM
Click on their picture to see More Jean Crafting ideas!



There are so many repurposed jean Ideas On the internet
I think the purses are one of my favorites.
I have just recently learned HOW to use a Sewing machine
(Yes, I am Looking forward to my 40's here soon)
Those of you who Know me, Also know I have so many projects half started and half finished
So even though I have the material, I will not be trying these ideas any time soon.
That is why I am offering up these Lot boxes filled with used jean material.

Click on the picture below to see More about this purse
But then remember Where to come back to when looking for your material!
Waste Not, Want Not, Save the Earth
Let's Repurpose!

This great Idea is Linked to PARENTINGTEENS.ABOUT.COM
Click on their picture to go visit their site.
Then come back and Buy the material in one of my stuffed full Flat rate boxes!
Located at

If you have an Idea,
I might have your supplies!
Come browse the booth for your next masterpiece!



Did you think I was going to Miss this?
I may have been down for a few days, But Nothing would keep me from Missing the Arizona Sunsets!

He Would Like to see everyone in the world
To Enjoy Their Own Sunsets
Get out your Cameras!
October is here!
Season is Changing and so is the Sky!
You Go ROE!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Sand Butt Bears for Emotional healing

Sand Butt Bears

Our little Lost Romantic has been Sold
He was ISO of a loving home & I do believe the right Lady found him!
I'm sure he will be Loved!

This guy Below can be found on
He is our Cross eyed bear.
Read more about him by clicking on his photo

Cross eyes bear Looking for home
Spongebob toddler outfit
I really enjoyed tearing the Teddy bears apart and making them BIGGER!
I do not encourage purchase for children, but if you are an adult that Would
Like to feel Supported.
These Bears are for you!
I do NOT recommend running them through the washing machine
They have sand bags in their butts and some even in their hands and feet!
If you can get your hands on some DRYEL Drycleaning sheets
That is the way I'd go
Even spraying with some Oxyclean
But sure as NOT the washing machine!

Crosseyed sand bear butt sitting on scale
Not one of their suits are removable.
Nope, Sewn Onto the bears.
The bears are stuffed with the stuffing they came with
I've had to add more Polyfill though!
This guy has NOT grown,
He is approx 16inches in height
Looking pretty in his Spongebob work out gear!
He made it to my home because of his eyes.
I have a soft spot for things others may see as Imperfect.
I know better though, Everything is in Perfection.
Spongebob outfit is not removable
Sometimes all you need are Friends
OF COURSE I went hog wild with this Sand butt bear Idea!
I have had so much fun tearing the old toys apart and then putting them back together.
My husband thinks I'm totally Insane!
Just look at that picture!
I do think they are chatting about YOU!
The sand bear butt friends photo
The Monkey!
Oh the story on why I had to pick this guy up.
If fact, I had left him behind at first
Then six hours later, Found myself hoping he was still at the store!
I could NOT Find him on the second trip!
But then Under several other toys, I saw the ear!
And grabbed it like it was the last bottle of water in Arizona!
Now this monkey is HUGE, Heavy and Waiting to be someones Comfort Keeper
If you've ever snuggled one of my Sand bear butt bears, You know that Comfort!
Comfy Monkey Snuggle bear
Sitting on small dog

Oh Goodness
Yes this IS the bear off the fabric softner commericals
Well, Needless to say, she is no longer a 16 inch long bear.
She now wears a size  2T In Toddlers Clothes
(Her outfit is NOT removable)
Her weight, well, due to the sand bagging of her butt, she now weighs appox. 6 pounds!
Below is her before the growth photo
Snuggles bear and toddler monkeys outfit
The After Growth of Snuggles the bear
 I have a few more adjustments to make her sit just right. 
She has Grown by at Least 2 feet making her about the size of a 3 year old
She is One of my grand daughters favorite to carry around. 

AND Last but NOT Least!
He was Once one of those Coke a Cola polar bears
He was About 1 foot long.
He is now in a size 4T Toddlers outfit! The size of an above average 4-5 year old!
He weighs about 6-8 pounds and as you can see is waiting for someone to come share a seat with him.
As If there is room!

Army guy bear
sand bear butt

I made this guy because I felt a calling. There is a sense of massive healing in this world that needs to be done through emotional comfort, which many of us do not get from others.
I hear it all the time, NO ONE KNOWS, NO ONE UNDERSTANDS
Which in this area of Loss, Effects sleeping patterns and the ability to enjoy even the smallest pleasures of life. 
I have to say, If you just need someone to hold and cry it out with, The Army Guy Bear is the one to grab hold of and LET IT ALL GO!
Call me what you will, My bears Work and they Work hard, 
Only You need to Understand. 
Click on his pictures to go to the booth where you can find him for sale, ready to go to his new home.
Again all of my Comfort bears are not recommended for children or to be washed in a washing machine.

Army guy snuggle comfort bear and book

side view of Army guy sand butt bear

Army guy teddy bear hanging out with the Creepy Clown


Sunday, October 6, 2013


I LOVE LOVE LOVE to Buy Shoes!
What is the deal with that!
I buy them, Never wear them, They just sit pretty!

Perhaps it's the colors?
Maybe it's the idea that having so many will give me choices?
I Do not understand the lure and passion so many of us share with our shoe fetishes!
But I've got it, the fever of buying shoes!

Click on Pictures to be taken to Ad
Sz 9.5
Mixed Materials
Gorgeous shoes
Blue On Blue
Suede W/  Shiney Patent Leather
Materials are seperated by a strip of Black

I've got to update the Ad!

Black Beaded India Boho
Point toe Heels
Size 9



No Boundries 

Zipper sides Lovely! sz 9.5

Red & Black's

Not sure who the designer or product line is
No Size indicator
Very Little wear on bottom Almost to none
Patent red & black Very Shiney!
Can see my reflection!
No Scratches that I have seen
measures inside of shoe
26 cm or 10 in lenght
6 cm at insole with 2.5"
8.5 cm or 3in ball of foot

3in heel

Red & Black Shiney Bowed Open Toed High Heel shoes
Metallics In Silver


open toe Silver Metallic High heel shoes sz 7w Nina

Metallic Silver Open toed heel shoes

Metallics In Gold

Gold Tone Open Toe Strappy Heel Shoes

 New With Tags & Box
Ladies Predictions
8.5 Black Ankle boots
Boots are above ankle but below calf
Black Heel Point toe Boots



Size 9 
Red, black & Leopard Print Open toe Strappy Heel shoes

Flashy Pinks & Purples
Open toe Strappy's
W/ Chunk Heel

Pink & Purple open toe Strappy shoes

All the shoes I buy are for sale of course, They sit in storage
Waiting to be worn
But then It comes time to clean out the closet and BAM they get sold.
 So many Shoes, So many more to go buy!!!

If you are interested in buying a pair of these shoes,
the pictures are linked to the page to make your purchase on. 
I do combine shipping as well.

I saw a pair of silver shiny platforms I may just have to run back for!!