Friday, October 26, 2012

Paranormal Not for the faint of heart

This post is NOT for the faint of heart
These Photos Have not been edited in any way shape or form
These photos were taken while cleaning a house
Did NOT attempt to clear the home

Picture one, My sister went with me this day
I had told the woman, I can NOT come clean for you at any price (The Previous Year)
But people Know me, they trust me,

 I'm one of those people that you can tell your secrets to
and know I'm not going to be surprised by hearing what you say.
I already know most times,
people are the loudest when they are silent or trying to hide their True Inner Self.
When you find me, Normally it's because You are the Psychic, I am a medium, a channel.
One who helps you figure You out.

It's okay, be in denial.
But you know, better than I do, who and what you are.

Okay, beyond all that
I worked as a housecleaner before my surgery.
This is one of the houses I had cleaned.

I felt the MASSES of Um,, Let's call it electro energy ( I don't like religion dealing with that belief system ~ Scares the Hell out of me ~ So I avoid DEMON Theories as much as possible ~ I call it Lower energy)
This energy I felt in her house if I could put it into words,,,
If you could imagine, ELDERS in Robes Confining People (others) In bonds of illness and sadness.

My husband is an electrician (fitting right?)
So I had him walk through the house and check all of the outlets Near the rooms I felt Static in.
Headaches, dizzy, Like when you shuffle your feet across a carpeted floor and you can feel the electric run through your body.. Every room I felt watched in, (not alone),, I had him go through and check the outlets.
And there were several that were not working (wires popping off and out ~ Very dangerous)
After he fixed everything, I'd go back the following week to start the process of decluttering, disinfecting and cleaning all over again. Everytime, I would leave feeling just horrible and new that what I was dealing with was NOT just based off of faulty wiring. Yet, I never saw anything or heard anything,,, Just felt... It was a freaky feeling, but not threatening "I'm patience, I'll make you sick, I'll get you too" feeling...
I told the lady, Listen, I do not know what you are dealing with here, but I can not come back.
She understood and said okay, she'll find someone from the church who will work for cheaper anyhow.
Poor Kids

Anyhow,, So a year passes.
She shows up at my door
Kelley Please I need you and you are the only one who can do it
I understand your energy issues or whatever, but I need your help.
Everyone is sick & we have company coming out
I'll pay your $20 an hour, I just need You! No one else can do it.
I Said "No, I can NOT get myself to go back to your house, but maybe my sister can do it"

Long story short, my sister took the offer, on the terms I went with her.
I figured, well maybe if she is there to ground me through laughter, maybe I won't be attacked
I told her nothing about this house.

she came over, brought her camera so we could take stupid pictures of each other, and laugh later too.

 Here are some of the pictures of the before the experience

Ironic My dirty Truck, Old cigarette butts, coins everywhere

Photobucket Photobucket
Me cleaning out my dirty ear,,, She's already sweating having it be a hot month anyhow,
She was Not looking forward to the ordeal because She was already hot and not wanting to deal with rummaging through more sweating..

As I got situated in one room, I felt my butt getting wet,, I got up and found I had been sitting on a wet leaking diaper.. So she snapped another picture

She thought it was funnier than crap that I was Literally sitting on a wet diaper.

She found DILL WEED in the kitchen and thought it was the funniest thing

I thought geez kris! Enough with getting my pictures! I'm going to start playing your game too!!
So above is the one I got of her. I did not play with my camera though, I wanted to get in and out of there. This is when her headache started, she started to get dizzy. I told her to go splash her face and get herself together, if she doesn't feel better, we'll leave.
I did tell the woman I could not handle her house in the first place.

Kristen went to the bathroom, located upstairs and just a few feet away from me
She took this picture of her self to show her sweaty hot summer filled day.
She noticed how the picture came out fuzzy.
Or so it looked just fuzzy on her small screen when all those other pictures came out clear.

It's moving infront of her


Manifesting more

The picture below, you can see the actual manifestation of the spirit
What it projects, what it wants you to feel and see.....
Do you notice how the image looks nothing like kristen
It looks fuller, healthy, smiling with a nice set of teeth
straight long smooth hair


Final picture,
Can you see what it really is?
Illness, depression, disease, Lingering defeat,
All those emotions of lower energy vibrations Rolled into an actual being.
Look behind the thing.
What else can you see?
Can you see the Masses That attacked me in the previous year?
For some reason,,
She Felt it this time,
Took a picture
And was SHOWN
Why I could NEVER go back to that house.


The picture above shows it's true image
At this moment, seeing these pictures 
What are you feeling?
Clear your self
Go put on your hat, scarf, a blanket over your head
Cover yourself

For most of you,,
What you are feeling is 
why I could never go back.
I thought, by taking her, My mind, my field would stay clear through laughing, Promoting light, love and happiness!
We clean Houses of depression and lower energies!
We change that energy, Normally.
I knew she was a medium, a channel,
But I also knew she was unaware of being one.

No belief,, It's easy to ignore... it's just a headache, maybe from stress.
If you believe, You better find out HOW to clear it out of your field.
If you get a headache looking at this page, go get your hat on, see if that helps
I wear many hats and for many reasons.
I do NOT deal with Lower Energies
I do NOT get sick
I do NOT allow myself to Lose my mind

But I am human.
This is ONE area I will NOT Touch.


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