Saturday, November 21, 2015

Traveling Not as much as I want to and Less than I use to

I'm getting pretty STALE over here, Not being able to leave when I feel like it, only on other peoples time and schedules, which means Never.

So I am Trying my best to not explode, watching everyone else do what they do as I wait.
Meanwhile, I have had some time to go through my selling inventory.
I'm down to photographing just a few more things.

But not on another persons time or schedule.
I have my own energy my own want to run, but damn.

So I find myself on line quite a bit, visually seeking out Odds and Ends. This is NOT what I want to be doing. This is just where I am for a while longer, hopefully this time, in this next circle, people will respect my words and not do what they think Is Right.

Home front First,
Take Care of what and who you already have before you take on another.
That's all I ask.

The other gets out of their mess, I have to recreate the home front to make room for them and then my world gets sucked dry, Then they go back to the mess they left, leaving me here still trying to get back to what I was before.

I am not bitter, nor upset, I am glad everyone is doing what they do, I'm just getting very impatient on getting back to me.
Breaks my Heart on where I find myself

So, Needless to say, after getting so close and touching the light at the end of the tunnel, just to be shoved back by 20 years. I am Still pursuing myself.
Travelling will once again be alive in my world.
The Treasures I have found through the magnificent world of online hunting goes something like this

These Two Yarn Art pictures were found very close to my house, I am grateful for that, the location.
Most of the Items I resell are of a spiritual belief and these honor the Gods of the Native southwest.
I will have more historial information on that shortly as well as their history of being hand made

These were also found at the same location. While they were seperated I had no idea that they actually formed One piece. It turns out, I got my hands on a Catholic Holy Water Font. The Metal Blessing picture and the blue gold rose bowl are together, the bowl hangs below the picture (as shown below)
Now some Researched information on what you are looking at

The metal picture Holds the image of the Blessed Sacred heart of Jesus, The Christ,
along with the Sacred Immaculant Heart of Mary. When in the home all and everything is blessed the bowl under holds the holy water. The holy water is obtainable by taking water to the church and asking your local priest to bless it.
As you and others pass this piece displayed in your house, it is common to dip your fingers in the holy water and cover yourself in the cross prayer of blessings.

These fonts can be found just about anywhere and can be made out of any sacred image.
The one I found is in Gold and Blues and fits the french victorian style I have been aiming for.
As a Treasure hunter, we all know, Everything can be displayed until sold & once it is sold it is packaged and sent off in love. Being In Love and blessed in gratitude gives this item a fast and safe arrival to it's newest home and the new buyer feels that love and becomes blessed themselves.

You can find this item listed in my ebay store by clicking on that Last picture

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